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January 05, 2010

Construction Update 1/5/2010

Austonian1-4-10 The New Year has arrived and we are excited to share major updates from The Austonian in downtown Austin. The glazing on the crown was completed in late December and the exterior of The Austonian tower is now complete.

The exterior hoists have been removed and all five of the internal elevators are in operation. The four passenger elevators travel at 1,000 feet per minute and the freight elevator travels at 800 feet per minute (more facts like this in The Austonian by the Numbers post from March 2009). 

Construction work underway includes the finish out of more than 40,000 square feet of amenities available to residents and their invited guests. The opening of the building will begin with the 2010 Women’s Symphony League Designer Showhouse at The Austonian, May 15-16, 2010.


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