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July 22, 2010

Texas Architect Extreme Design Issue Visits Austin Condo The Austonian

TxArchCoverThe Austonian is on the cover of the June/July 2010 issue of Texas Architect magazine, which focuses on extreme design around the Lone Star State.

The 683-foot tower is the tallest in the Austin skyline, displaying a uniqueness that encapsulates both elegance and sustainability. In the article, Jim Adams, principal of the McCann Adams Studio, which is currently developing the Downtown Austin Plan, states, "The Austonian is exemplary of the vision that is evolving for downtown Austin: a high-rise, high density, mixed-use building that brings architectural elegance and a healthy population of new residents to the urban core."

Aside from the building's elegant shape and cityscape views, a primary goal of the Austin condo project was to incorporate sustainable design supporting energy conservation and a healthy living environment. The design of the building includes green building elements ranging from an outdoor green roof terrace to the use of low-VOC, LEED-qualified construction materials.

The new high-rise condo is helping Austin transition to a more "peopled" downtown, adding a healthy population of residents in support of a downtown Austin that is vibrant both day and night.

Read the article in the June/July 2010 issue of Texas Architect magazine here:

Download Texas_Architect_June_July_2010

(Photo courtesy of Texas Architect)


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