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March 11, 2011

Caffé Medici Opens Today at The Austonian

Caffe Medici-004

Just in time for SXSW!

Caffé Medici, an award-winning espresso and coffee house with two Austin locations, opened their third location this morning (March 11) at The Austonian luxury condominiums. The downtown Austin location serves coffee, tea, beer, wine and light snacks.

The espresso and coffee house design, which includes a mezzanine level overlooking Congress Avenue, an open storefront, specialty bar and a freestanding espresso bar, was created by Aaron Vollmer and Jean Pierre Trou of Runa Workshop. The space focuses on the art of the barista, who prepares coffee drinks behind the freestanding bar pictured above.

Caffé Medici opened its first store in 2006 in Austin’s Clarksville neighborhood and expanded in 2008, adding a second location on “The Drag” across from the main mall of The University of Texas at Austin.


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