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May 12, 2011

Today: I Art Congress: “Art & Architecture on the Avenue”

Congress (Image via http://www.austintowers.net)

The monthly “I Art Congress” series continues today in downtown Austin from 6 to 9 p.m. In conjunction with National Preservation Month, May’s theme is “Art & Architecture on the Avenue,” allowing attendees to explore the historical sites of Congress.

Congress Avenue has a unique history revealed by the preserved buildings and sites that tell its story. The Austonian features the 100-year-old façade of the Brown-Dumas Blacksmith Shop, serving as the only remaining façade of its era near the intersection of Congress Avenue and 2nd Street.

I Art Congress is a series of themed, open house events at Congress Avenue museums and galleries taking place the second Thursday of every month.

For more information about the free series, visit: http://iartcongress.com/


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