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June 23, 2011

Keep Austin Weird Fest & 5K This Saturday

5k Austin celebrates the 9th annual Keep Austin Weird Fest & 5K this Saturday, June 25. The wacky festival includes psychedelic music, local artisans and a 5K race through downtown with fun stops along the way (including Amy’s Ice Cream). Participants are encouraged to wear their wackiest and weirdest costumes for the “slowest 5K you’ll ever run.”

Keep Austin Weird Fest kicks off with live musical performances by The Daze at 2 p.m., followed by performances from Lost July, Ben Baxter, Suite 709, DEADMAN, and headliner, Alpha Rev.

The race begins at 7 p.m. at The Long Center.

The event benefits Austin Parks Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed to building partnerships, advocacy and action for parks.

For more information, visit: http://www.keepaustinweirdfest.com/.

(Photo credit: James Brosher/AMERICAN-STATESMAN)


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