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August 10, 2011

Downtown Restaurants in the Base of The Austonian Pave the Way to Austin’s Ultimate Downtown Dining Experience


Congress Dining Room, photo credit Casey Dunn

Austin is a city known for its food. Over the last several months, Austin has repeatedly shown up as a trend setter in the food movement. One set of restaurants that has garnered attention locally and nationally since opening at the beginning of 2011 is the trio of spaces in the base of The Austonian: Congress, Bar Congress and Second Bar + Kitchen.

Congress received the city’s first and only five-star rating from Mike Sutter, restaurant critic for the Austin American-Statesman. Congress received the ranking because it is “an extraordinary restaurant experience from start to finish.”

From Bar Congress topping Esquire Magazine’s list of best bars in America, to the Austin Chronicle’s “Destination Dining Downtown” spread, the trio is tastefully paving the way to Austin’s ultimate downtown dining experience.

For more information about the restaurants, visit http://congressaustin.com/



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