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December 15, 2011

Additional Holiday Events in Downtown Austin

WholefoodsskatingNow through the New Year, downtown Austin residents and visitors have a plethora of holiday events to choose from in the heart of the capital city. Several events and details follow.

Ice Skating at Whole Foods

 Ice skating on the Plaza at Whole Foods is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for $10 an hour including ice skates. Additional holiday events will take place at the Whole Foods Market’s flagship store each Wednesday and Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. 

Holiday Window Walk on 2nd Street

The inaugural 2nd Street District Holiday Window Walk continues on the street, which runs alongside The Austonian, now through Monday, January 2nd. Window displays have been created by students at St. Edwards University, and visitors to the district may vote on their favorite display. Finalists will be judged to win one of three scholarships provided by Silicon Laboratories. 

Build a Snowflake at Springbox

As part of the Downtown Stroll, Springbox, located at 708 Congress Avenue, created a window display that passersby of all ages can engage with to create their own unique snowflake. Visitors can use their mobile devices to dial into a free, 1-800 number to create their own snowflake and add it to the permanent window display. Participants receive their personally designed snowflake via text to share their creation with friends and family. 

Austin Tinplate Trackers

For the third year in a row, the Austin Tinplate Trackers "O" gauge model train organization has set up their layout in downtown Austin at 117 Lavaca across from City Hall. The display is free for viewing and is open Saturdays from 12 to 5 p.m. except Christmas. 

(Photo credit Texas Tripper)



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